29% of women in the UAE use smartphones to communicate on social networks

According to a recent study by YouGov Siraj, 29% of women and 18% of men living in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia buy smartphones just to have constant access to social networks and instant messaging systems. The study conducted by YouGov Siraj was attended by 755 residents from the United Arab Emirates and 752 residents from Saudi Arabia, 980 respondents from the total number of participants in the study were men, 527 - women. One of the main characteristics of smartphones that attract the most interest from both men and women is the ability to have constant access to the Internet. The latest technologies and applications are the main factors for 71% of men when choosing a smartphone, while women pay less attention to these indicators.

Watch the video: Intel Survey Investigates "Is the Social Media You the Real You?" (July 2024).