Listen to a woman and have fun ... or When women laugh

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya

Initially, this project, which appeared on TNT in November 2008, was called the more pretentious “Made in Woman”. After four programs, he was renamed "Comedy Woman" and in format began to resemble the male "Comedy Club", with one difference - in the new project, the brightest stars from different KVN teams laughed at themselves, the whole world and, of course, men - women. The author of the idea and one of the producers of this female cabaret show is Natalya Yeprikyan, better known by her stage name Natalya Andreevna. This, as for the "historical background". And to the question of how this television project relates to the Emirates, I’ll answer - the most direct.

It was in the Emirates, just for Orthodox Christmas, at the Burj Al Arab Hotel that the Russian Radio celebrated a party, to which the girls from Comedy Woman were invited. And not only them. Ignited the public, one of the most famous (and, by the way, the cutest) DJs of Russian Radio Dmitry Olenin. The girls from Comedy were showing off, having fun and not letting anyone who preferred the traditional Christmas feast of the house "go out" get bored. Elegant ladies and their gentlemen received multi-colored carnival masks at the entrance to the Marina Garden pavilion. Specially invited photographer took pictures of the participants of this masquerade ball as a keepsake. Sponsors played lucky Persian silk carpets. In general, it was noisy, bright, fun and festive. We walked, as expected, in Russian, on a grand scale. No wonder the most famous hotel in the city was chosen for the celebration. To everyone who missed this event, I will say: "In vain!". And with the clever and beautiful women from Comedy Woman, we still managed to talk. True, the next day. And that was great.

Girls, good afternoon. Thank you very much for the holiday that you gave to all of us living in the Emirates. Your project is a little over a year old. Do you feel competition from Comedy Club? How do you manage to crush your male colleagues: beauty, charm or intelligence?

Polina Sibagatulina: What competition is there. We crush them all: with beauty, and charm, and intellect.

Maria Kravchenko: We do not think about competition, we just do our job and that’s it.

Do you often hear: “Listen to a woman and do the opposite”?

P.S .: No, not often. We had jokes in which this phrase was used, but it was quickly stopped. You know our relationship with Dima Khrustalev (host of Comedy Woman on TNT - approx. Ed.).

How often do you change and update the programs you perform with?

M.K .: We try, actually, every week. After all, viewers are watching us, I don’t want to repeat ourselves. And so, every day we come up with something new.

Each of you is a star of your KVN team. How do you manage to shine like this, having come together in such a constellation?

Catherine Barnabas: Each of us occupies our own niche in the show, so to speak. Each of our images is thought out and completed, so we definitely do not interfere with each other on the stage. We complement each other.

Every woman has a passion for reincarnation and dressing. No desire to try on some new image?

P.S .: We have not yet fully disclosed these images, and we are comfortable in them. When the show itself will be modified, then most likely, and new images will have to be created.

E.V .: I agree with Polina that these images have not outlived themselves with us, and we are constantly expanding them. They are still completely incomplete.

Do you have situations of creative impasse? And if so, do you turn to men for help?

E.V .: We do not wait for a creative deadlock to come. While this matter is going well with us, we are trying to develop it and not stop at what has already been done.

Tell me how you liked it in Dubai, and what kind of local audience did you find?

E.V .: Great! We were brought to such a luxury hotel. Great audience, we liked it very much!

P.S .: I would add that the audience was one of the best that we had to speak before. People in the hall reacted very well to jokes and received us very warmly.

How long has your current squad been going? There is no desire to invite young girls to the show, who today shine in young KVN teams?

P.S .: There is no such purpose, but our doors are not closed to anyone. In any case, if a person turns out to be talented and we notice him, or rather her, then we will definitely invite you to the show. If possible.

M.K .: Absolutely does not mean that the composition of Comedy Woman will remain so and will not change over time.

Having received an invitation from Russian Radio to come to Dubai, did you immediately realize that this is serious, and not a rally at all?

P.S .: They didn’t believe at all. We did not know at all that Russian Radio had opened here. They simply told us that we had to go to Dubai and speak at an event there.

E.V .: When we arrived in Dubai and found out that there is a "Russian Radio" and there are so many Russian-speaking people, we were very surprised.

M.K .: Honestly, I thought that we wouldn’t go anywhere at all. We had such a park before departure that until the last moment we were not sure that we could go anywhere.

When to wait for you next time?

M.K .: As soon as you invite, we are right away.

Did they let you out of the house on Christmas?

M.K .: Yes, good. Nevertheless, they know what we are doing and what kind of work we have. Therefore, there were no tears and conversations on the topic "daughter, dear, where did you go to Christmas?"

Girls, thank you once again on behalf of all Russian-speaking spectators of the Emirates. We wish you creative success and new jokes.

P.S. The incomparable Natalya Andreevna could not take part in our conversation. Apparently, I bought beads. Well. Next time. After all, not every resident of Dubai knows about what happens when women laugh. In any case, we only have to thank Russian Radio for their help in organizing the interview. Follow their broadcasts and our publications. New holidays and parties are just around the corner.

Natalya Andreevna - a deity with legs. Elite one and a half meters of Moscow. Born in Voronezh, but has not sinned since then. Considers herself the most intelligent, but beautiful woman. Of clothes, he prefers beads. On the list of richest women takes money. The main idol is the grandmother, who came to Berlin and married a German.

Catherine Barnabas - serial number that matches the size. Sex symbol of any company. While her parents were looking for her in cabbage, she apparently ate cabbage. There is a legend that the prince of Saudi Arabia offered her a hand and a heart. She thought and took the money. Because of its impregnability, the Order "For the Capture of Barnabas" was established. Very diverse. Maybe such and such.

Polina Sibagatulina - socialite, Yugoslav poetess. Born in the shed of Sarajevo. He earns money on poetry, so if you have money, then help her, for God's sake. The muse comes to her either in the morning or from port. If you notice that she is thinking about something, then call an ambulance. In the evening it is illegible, in the morning it is not forgotten. It is washed by morning dew, therefore, curses.

Maria Kravchenko - student, Komsomol member, beauty (underline as necessary). Born in the Lower, walks without the upper. Participant in 250 sales, and this is only in Arbat Prestige. There is a legend that she was even born at a discount.

Watch the video: How to Make a Girl Laugh. 5 Tips from a Comedian (July 2024).