In the UAE, privileges were introduced for private companies for the employment of local citizens

Private companies in the UAE will receive various benefits for hiring local residents

The UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization has prepared a program of various incentives for private companies, including reducing the cost of obtaining work permits and canceled mandatory bank deposits.

The ministry called on private companies to join the Emirate Assistance Club after meeting a number of conditions. Subsequently, it will be beneficial for private institutions, because they will be able to pay work permits at lower tariffs, will be exempted from mandatory bank deposits, etc.

A private company that operates in priority sectors of the economy on the labor market and has a personnel department in its structure can become a member of the club.

During the registration process, three key criteria will be taken into account, including the proportional number of UAE citizens in the company’s staff to the total number of employees whose types of employment and qualifications correspond to the standards adopted by the ministry. The diversified economic activities of a private company, geographical distribution in the Emirates, etc. will also be taken into account.

Farida Abdullah Al-Ali, Assistant Deputy Minister for National Employment, said: "The Ministry considers emiratization in the private sector as a critical strategic objective in accordance with the plan to implement the UAE 2021 strategy." She praised the cooperation of 141 private organizations, members of the club, supporting the ministry’s strategy, its plans and programs for stimulating emiratization in the private sector.

Such statements were made during a series of seminars organized by the Ministry on the eve of both Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The purpose of the events was to familiarize participants with the privileges of the Emiratisation Assistance Club and its internal regulations. The seminar was attended by a large number of representatives of private companies.

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