Present the documents!

Summer is the time for vacation and vacation. And so that your vacation is not overshadowed by any troubles, the consular department of the Russian Embassy in the UAE continues to acquaint readers of our magazine with the most common problems of tourists who are on holiday abroad.

If you have lost your passport

If you were left without a passport during your stay abroad (it was stolen, you lost it, etc.), you must contact the Russian diplomatic mission or consular post in the country in which you are located.

We remind you that in the UAE you can contact the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Abu Dhabi or the Russian Consulate General in Dubai. Instead of a lost passport in a Russian foreign office, you will be issued a certificate of return to Russia. The certificate is a temporary document proving the identity of a Russian citizen and giving him the right to enter (return) to the Russian Federation.

Before traveling abroad, it is also necessary to make photocopies of the main pages (with photo, personal data, registration mark) of foreign and domestic Russian passports and take them with you. During the trip, it is recommended to store copies separately from the original passport. In case of loss of documents, a copy of the passport will greatly simplify the procedure for issuing a certificate of return to Russia.

When applying for the issue of a certificate of return to Russia, the applicant must submit to the consular post:

  • A document (protocol, certificate, etc.) issued by the competent authority of the host country (police) confirming the loss of a passport;
  • An application of the established form (an application form is issued at a Russian foreign institution);
  • Three photographs;
  • Documents to identify the applicant, establish his place of residence or place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation (for example, military ID, driver’s license, etc.) or duly certified written statements of at least two citizens of the Russian Federation confirming the applicant’s identity.

If the applicant does not have documents confirming his identity, citizenship of the Russian Federation and place of residence in Russia, and it is not possible to submit written statements of Russian citizens who can confirm his identity, the Russian diplomatic mission or consular post sends an appropriate request for verification to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

In this case, you will have to wait for an answer about the results of the verification of the applicant’s identity by the Russian police. This procedure may take quite a while. It can be accelerated if, for example, relatives or friends turn directly to the internal affairs bodies at the applicant’s place of residence in Russia.

Upon arrival in Russia, the victim must submit a certificate with the marks of the border checkpoint (placed at the border crossing) to the organization to which the lost passport was issued within three days. The certificate of return to Russia is valid for 10 days from the moment of crossing the border and can serve as an identity card for this period.

If you have suffered as a result of an offense

If a theft or attack has been committed against you, first of all, you need to report the incident to the UAE law enforcement authorities (you can contact the police through representatives of the host travel company), as well as report the incident to representatives of the Russian consulate. It is not recommended to speak with representatives of local law enforcement agencies, as well as to sign any protocols and other documents in a foreign language in the absence of a representative of a consular post or a lawyer.

The mechanism of consular and legal assistance begins to operate from the moment the Russian diplomatic mission receives information about the detention of a Russian citizen. Specific assistance from Russian consular posts may include assistance, if necessary, in transferring, establishing contacts with relatives and friends of the detainee, monitoring compliance with procedural rules, including from the point of view of their compliance with local law and international law, finding lawyers, clarifying all the circumstances of the case .

It is important to keep in mind that the UAE is a Muslim country. As in any other Muslim country, in the Emirates, standards of behavior are determined by Sharia law, which strictly regulate the relationship between men and women, prohibit the use of alcohol, etc.

In order to prevent the occurrence of unwanted incidents, Russian citizens are recommended to:

  • Show friendliness to the local population, reckon with his lifestyle;
  • Be patient, do not be rude, do not raise your voice, do not humiliate the dignity of the local population;
  • Respect local customs and traditions, do not show arrogance and neglect of local culture, and also do not allow offensive remarks in relation to the leaders of the host country;
  • Do not appear in public places or on the street while intoxicated, as well as consume alcoholic beverages in places not designated for these purposes.
  • Remember, compliance with these simple rules of conduct on vacation will greatly facilitate and make your vacation in the UAE unforgettable. Have a nice holiday!

Reception hours:

Consular Section of the Embassy of Russia in Abu Dhabi

Sunday and Thursday: 10:30 - 13:00, Tuesday: 17:00 - 20:00.

Phone: (02) 672-35-16.


Consulate General in Dubai

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10: 00-13: 30. Wednesday: 10: 00-13: 30 and from 15:00 to 17:00

Phone: (971) -04-328-53-47

Fax: (971) -04-328-56-15


Watch the video: Neverwinter: Recover Order Documents (June 2024).