Figure Skating Championship held in Dubai

The 2013 Golden Cup of Dubai Figure Skating Championship took place at the rink of the world's largest shopping and entertainment complex The Dubai Mall. In total, 200 figure skaters from 12 countries took part in the competitions. Dubai was presented by two pupils of the school of figure skating, acrobatics and ballet Ice Stars Skating, who won prizes: the eight-year-old Lisa Golding took second place in her age category, the thirteen-year-old junior Amira Abdul Moati got the third place in the category of "artist".

The skaters were prepared for the start by Antonina Pashkovskaya, Honored Coach of Ukraine, international referee, former coach of Oksana Bayul, Yulia Obertas and Tatyana Volossozhar. It is worth recalling that the Dubai Ice Stars Skating Figure Skating School is engaged in the professional training of figure skaters and is ready to form the UAE junior team in support of the efforts of the Government of Dubai to develop sports, sports tourism and a healthy lifestyle. At the school you can also take ballet, gymnastics, acrobatics, general and special physical training lessons to prepare junior skaters for international starts.

Watch the video: Ayna Seo @ 2019 Skate Abu Dhabi Cup 2019 스케이트 아부다비컵 서아인 (May 2024).