Dog reading programs appear in Dubai schools

Dubai schools have adopted an original method of teaching reading aloud.

Dubai, UAE. Eight Dubai schools have introduced the new Reading for Dogs program, which helps students develop reading skills aloud in the presence of pets. According to Louise Dow, one of the leaders of the Reading Dogs UAE program, this initiative has many advantages: first of all, the student feels more comfortable and less stressed than when reading aloud to classmates or a teacher.

“Schoolchildren feel more confident and relaxed - after all, dogs will not condemn them if they are mistaken with the pronunciation of words,” said Louise Dow. She noted that after such classes, student productivity and reading speed increased by 30%. It should be noted that dogs that come to school to listen to children undergo pre-training and selection. Classes are held in small groups, in the presence of the owner of the pet.

"A maximum of 12 children and one dog are allowed per lesson. The lesson lasts 20 minutes. Dogs of different breeds and sizes participate," Louise specified. The initiative is timed to coincide with the United Arab Emirates Reading Year. Today, schools like Safa British School Dubai, Dubai British School, GEMS Modern, GEMS Wellington and Safa Community School are participating in it.

Watch the video: Here's Why Reading Dogs UAE is an Amazing Initiative (July 2024).