Dubai set another world record - the largest supermarket trolley

Dubai set another world record for the joy of all shopping enthusiasts - the city presented the largest shopping trolley in the world.

Dubai has long been recognized as the world capital of shopping. Today, to the delight of all shopaholics in the city, another world achievement was demonstrated. In Dubai, presented the largest shopping cart in the world, this achievement was even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

The biggest shopping cart in the world can be called a work of art. Its dimensions are impressive: the height is 10.5 m from height to the handle, the basket itself is 6.88 m long and 4.46 m wide. The diameter of the wheels is 0.79 m.

The cart was manufactured by Al Safeer Group in conjunction with the Century Shopping Mall, the money for the manufacture was allocated by Dubai Duty Free. The work was presented at a shopping festival in Dubai today.

Unfortunately, the creators of the phenomenal trolley did not present a wallet of the same impressive size next to it.

Watch the video: World Record Edition. Dude Perfect (July 2024).