Russian National Day celebrated at Hilton Abu Dhabi

Officials and the public of the emirate’s capital, representatives of the Russian diaspora in the UAE celebrated June 10, 2008, the National Day of Russia, with national anthems of both countries and a traditional holiday cake.

The reception was held at the Hilton Abu Dhabi hotel on the embankment of the capital by Russian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Arab Emirates Andrei Zakharov.

The most honored guest of the celebration was the Emirate Minister of Foreign Trade, Sheikh Lubna al-Qasimi, who over the past year most often had to work in the field of Emirate-Russian relations. It was with Sheikh Lyubnaya, who already knows many of our diplomats well, that Mr. Zakharov used a traditional sword to cut a white holiday cake decorated with pomegranate seeds and watermelon roses. They were assisted by the former Mufti general of the UAE, a descendant of the prophet Muhammad Sheikh Ali al-Hashemi, who had long been friends with the Russian ambassador.

The hall, decorated with paintings by Russian artist Valery Rostovsky, was attended by ambassadors of many countries, military attaches in bright uniforms, many journalists, countless friends of Russia from Arab countries and other guests. The Russian diaspora was represented by residents of several emirates who did not spare time on the road to the capital. Our ladies were very attractive and stood out with beautiful outfits. Their companions were witty and outgoing.

Russian Ambassador to the UAE Andrei Zakharov, speaking to the audience, noted the great progress in Russian-Emirate relations made over the past year, and also emphasized that the Russians living and working in the Emirates today are outstanding representatives of such a powerful and powerful country as Russia . Thanking compatriots for their work, the ambassador wished everyone further success and prosperity.

Watch the video: Russian Investment in Dubai - Most of Russians investing in Dubai Abudhabi and Qatar (July 2024).