Dubai will begin to test an air taxi this year

Testing of air taxis in Dubai will begin in the fourth quarter of 2017.

The Dubai Traffic and Transportation Authority (RTA) will begin trial operation of a manned air taxi in the fourth quarter of this year.

RTA extended the trial operation period of manned autonomous air taxi (AAT) to meet all operational safety requirements for this type of vehicle.

RTA also announced the signing of an agreement with the German company VOLOCOPTER, professionals in the production of autonomous air vehicles, for the supply of the first device that can carry up to two passengers.

The trial operation of such a taxi will begin gradually in the fourth quarter of 2017.

According to His Excellency Mattar Al Thayer, Director General and Chairman of the Executive Board of Directors of the Directorate of Road Traffic and Transport (RTA):

“The test of the first autonomous air taxi accommodating up to two passengers is carried out according to the order of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai. The purpose of this event is to turn Dubai into the most technologically developed city on earth. Moreover, we intend to carry out the necessary technological tests of an air taxi in the climatic conditions of Dubai.This step is also fully consistent with the Smart Autonomous Mobility strategy adopted in Dubai, according to which "Autonomous transport should account for up to a quarter of routes by 2030. Another goal that we want to achieve is to increase the convenience of public transport. Our task is to provide people with the opportunity of comfortable, fast and innovative movement."

AAT is powered by electricity, equipped with a reliable security system consisting of 18 rotors, which allows safe movement and landing of a taxi in case of failure of any of the rotors.

"An air taxi has an autopilot function and moves autonomously, which allows passengers to be moved from point A to point B without human intervention or the need for a flight license," Al Thayer added.

Watch the video: Boeing air taxi completes first test flight. What The Future (July 2024).