Do not wear it!

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya

Stacy London and Clinton Kelly know exactly what to wear and what not to wear. Being a big fan of the Fashion Sentence program on Channel One, I gladly agreed to take part in an interview hosted by Discovery and talk about modern fashion with Stacy and Clinton, who have an analogue of our “sentence” called What Not To Wear "(" What should not be worn ") and no worse than our Evelina Khromchenko" know everything about fashion or a little more. " Stacy London worked for many years in leading American fashion magazines such as Vogue and Mademoiselle, and Clinton Kelly hosted the most popular television shows in America - Fashioning a Home with Clinton Kelly (“Making a Fashion House with Clinton Kelly”), Mind Your Manners (“Follow manners ") and Redo My Spouse (" Redo My Spouse ").

The format of the new program "What Not To Wear" also implies an invitation to the studio of ordinary people - housewives, students, office clerks from different cities of America, who explain to Stacy and Clinton "in the faces" what is fashionable and what is not very, what a person looks great in , and in what vulgar or untidy. Where did Stacy and Clinton get their advice and what do they really think of modern fashion? We ask them ourselves.

Stacy Clinton, good evening. What do you think about the return to fashion of the trends of the 1980s and what do you advise ordinary people to wear in everyday life?

Stacy: I hope the fashion trends of the 80s are gone soon. But I feel that many of these trends can be somehow beaten, for example, huge false shoulders, miniskirts and even bright neon colors, presented in a modern and new light, will allow many people to hide some kind of imperfections in their shape and wear such things with pleasure.

Clinton: It seems to me that in the 1980s the US population was much poorer than it is now. And when all these trends appeared, many could afford to wear leggings and miniskirts. Now it’s quite difficult for women of large sizes to adapt their wardrobe to “mini” and “micro” outfits.

The style of each person is individual. Can you determine what this or that person is by looking at his wardrobe?

Clinton: Yes, of course. Our appearance tells others about how we want them to relate to us. Many of us initially make tremendous efforts to make up the wardrobe that would speak about our "I". However, most people suck in routine, a lot of things and a lack of time, families, children, careers, obligations, and they forget about themselves. We see this in every “What Not To Wear” program they come to for help.

What do you think will be the most fashionable hit this winter?

Stacy: Well, I think Clinton will agree with me that genuine leather clothing will be the most popular among men and women. I personally really like not only jackets, but also skirts, and dresses, and boots above the knee. I believe that the skin will be the most audacious fashion statement of the season.

Clinton: I see that many New Yorkers enjoy wearing tight tights or leggings with long sweater dresses. Now this trend is very popular, and when it will go “no”, I do not know.

Stacy: It seems to me that clothes in such a style are completely unsuitable for many people, since they do not emphasize the waist line, in addition, your legs should be quite slim. But now I would call it the most popular trend, both among our young viewers and among middle-aged people.

Living in Dubai, where it is hot all year round, it is quite difficult to follow all the fashion trends. What do you recommend for creating a fashionable and stylish look?

Stacy: Accessories! In hot climates, your shoes, bag, jewelry, sunglasses, shawls and scarves become the most fashionable accents. They allow you to look fashionable and stylish in any situation.

Now everyone is talking about the financial crisis. What is the cheapest way to upgrade your wardrobe?

Clinton: This is a good question. You can buy trending clothes at very different prices, and your budget becomes the main indicator in this situation. If you have only $ 100 in your pocket, you should go to an inexpensive store or for a sale and look at those things that will last you a single season. And it’s worth looking into your closet and removing things that don’t suit you or that do not suit you in color, size, silhouette. The key to a good wardrobe is the ability to combine a small number of things and wear them more often.

Stacy: I would probably agree with that. Now there is a tendency not to endlessly buy, "clogging your closet," but rather, as Clinton said, to free him. This, by the way, is very useful. When disassembling your own wardrobe, you can stumble upon things that you have already forgotten about, or some old outfits that are back in fashion. Searching in the bowels of your own closet is the cheapest way to update your wardrobe.

Then please name five things that must be in the wardrobe of a modern person.

Clinton: Everyone needs a pair of cool dark jeans.

Stacy: Every woman needs a business suit, with a skirt or pants, right?

Clinton: Absolutely, every woman needs a good jacket of strict cut, and if it is leather, it’s also good.

Stacy: Every woman needs a beautiful casual dress.

Clinton: Exactly. And a couple of cool comfortable low-heeled shoes.

Stacy: Yes, and be sure to pair a pair of beautiful high-heeled shoes.

Do you really think that modern men and women need to talk about what should not be worn? How then to be with the fact that today's fashion allows you to combine a variety of styles in one outfit?

Stacy: I think so. Even now, we must tell many people what should not be worn, since most of us do not consider style a priority in our daily lives. We try not only to acquaint participants and spectators of our program with what is happening on fashion catwalks, but to show that clothes can really work in their lives, despite the fact that they are all different. I would say that 'What Not to Wear' is not a fashion show, it is a program on how to be able to create your own style based on fashion trends.

Clinton: I want to remind you that fashion usually moves women in their twenties and maybe a little in thirty years, and after this age, many ladies already believe that the fashion industry is bypassing them. Most people living in large cities do not have a clue on how to tie style and fashion to their daily lives. Therefore, we try to show them that style is for everyone, regardless of age and lifestyle.

Stacy: I agree with Clinton, who said about age, and I want to add another factor - weight. Haute Couture houses do not produce clothing for women of large sizes. We try to convey fashion trends and what happens to fashion every season for a wider audience.

What is the most useful style tip you can give our readers?

Stacy: The most important thing is that your clothes sit well on you. Do not wear too big or too small things. If you order things in the studio by your standards, then they will look much more expensive on you than the most famous branded ones.

Clinton: I agree with that.

Well, thanks for the conversation and useful tips. We’ll keep an eye on how things are going on in the “What Not To Wear” show on Discovery.