In the UAE, the newlyweds receive from the authorities $ 19 thousand to organize a wedding

The authorities of the United Arab Emirates compensate the citizens of the country $ 19 thousand for the organization of a wedding celebration.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the United Arab Emirates made a number of changes to the distribution of funds from the Marriage Fund to support the Emirate's newlyweds. This fund was launched in 1992 in an attempt to support the marriages of people of emirate origin amid an increase in the number of foreign workers. It provides for providing citizens with an amount of 70 thousand dirhams ($ 19 thousand) for the organization of a wedding celebration.

There are several criteria that newlyweds must meet: husband and wife must be UAE citizens; a man must be at least 21 years old, and a woman who marries, at least 18 years old; marriage should be the first for a man, except in cases where the groom is a widower.

In addition, there are restrictions on the level of wages. However, the initiative became more accessible this week after the approval of new conditions. Until that moment, citizens earning less than 20 thousand dirhams ($ 5.44 thousand) a month could count on support, and now access is open to recipients of monthly salaries up to 25 thousand dirhams ($ 6.8 thousand). Again, exceptions remain, for example, for applicants with disabilities or those who are dependent on several family members.

According to the government website of Abu Dhabi, the fund’s actions are aimed at empowering newlyweds financially to “create and maintain strong and stable families in the UAE.” The program also aims to “raise awareness of religious, cultural and social family principles”.

In 2016, as part of maintaining Emirate marriages, a special committee was launched to study the problem of the choice of foreign brides by many citizens.

“If the Emirate’s men marry expats, then who will the Emirate’s women marry?” Hamad Al Rahumi, a member of the Federal National Council, asked at a committee meeting.

At least 25% of all UAE marriages in 2014 were represented by multinational unions, according to The National.

Watch the video: Never Do These Things in Foreign Countries (July 2024).